Submit Your Work
We're always looking for new works to produce! If you'd like to have your play considered for an upcoming production slot, please submit it using the form below! Also, check out our FAQs to learn more about our selection and production process.
Submission FAQs
What kind of works are you looking for?
Right now, we're only interested in plays. We are not currently accepting musicals. We're open to one-act plays and full-length plays.
Do you pay royalties?
If your work is selected, we offer you a base rate of $50 per performance to produce your work.
What is involved in a full-scale production?
We'll fully fund and produce your work at a theater in Nashville, TN. We'll pay for sets, costumes, and props, hire the production team, and actors. We'll pay all expenses.
What's expected of me during this process?
You'll be expected to deliver a final, performance-ready script formatted in Dramatists Guild format (we have resources to help you format this prior to submitting the final work).
You'll also be expected to be present in Nashville, TN for the opening night of your production. Travel arrangements are not provided, though we can assist with finding suitable accommodations for your stay.
Additionally, you'll be expected to be available for any press opportunities, such as phone interviews, podcast interviews, or any other virtual press opportunities leading up to the premiere of your work, and any in-person opportunities the days before opening.
Last, you'll be expected to provide an author bio and headshot to be used in all promotional materials.
What is your submission process?
Please submit your completed work via the form below and we will read your script. We'll reach out if we're interested in producing your work.
What if my work is not finished yet?
You may be better suited for our residency program! We're thrilled to offer a residency experience to playwrights currently developing their works. Click here to learn more about our residency.