Dedicated to bringing new, original works to life

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Lithium & Xanax & All of My Friends

A New Play by Robert M. Coles

Directed by Bradley Moore

October 4-12, 2024 - Darkhorse Theatre, Nashville, TN

Adam has spent 7 years struggling to finish his novel. When he calls upon his friends to join him one fateful night in finishing his life’s work, Adam is forced to confront his demons, his sorted past, his relationships, and himself.

This drama, by Nashville playwright Robert M. Coles, is a look into one man's struggle with his sexuality, mental health, past mistakes, and current decisions. 

Contains adult language. Not suitable for young audiences.


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Our Artist in Residency Program might be right for you. We're hosting a select number of playwrights to spend up to 10 days in Nashville, TN developing new works, culminating in a reading of your script! Apply for our residency program.

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